“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Athens, Greece |
Where do you want to go?
There is a great big world out there to explore. There are so many wonderful sights and
continents to explore, and people to meet.
Do you dream of distant places? I
did, for many years, but I was young then, and had to wait till I grew up and
could go out there and see the world.
What is holding you back? Is it
money? Is it family obligations? Are those excuses, or real? Is there a way you can make it happen for
you? Only you can decide. But if it is something you really want to do,
you will make it happen. Maybe not right
now, but in the not too distant future.
Mosque on the Bosphorus River, Istanbul, Turkey |
Budapest, Hungary |
Going off season will save you money. Choosing a destinations that is less
expensive, where the dollar will work in your favor or which is less traveled,
and therefore maybe less expensive. For
instance, it is less expensive to go to Croatia than France. I have been to both places, and I absolutely
loved Croatia, it is a great place to visit.
Me in Dubrovnik, Croatia |
For that matter, you don’t have to travel to Europe to get that travel bug under control. How about visiting places here in the states? Or maybe going to Mexico or Canada, which are relatively inexpensive, and close by.
Hostel in Scotland |
As for myself, I made other decisions in my life. Yes, I wanted to travel and see the world,
but I am not quite as brave as my sister was.
I chose instead to get married and have a family, and to wait until I
was older to travel. We did do some
traveling when we were young. I did
marry a military man, and we got transferred to different places to live, including two years in the Philippines. But most of our travels have been in the past
25 years. I don’t regret that, I was
willing to wait, and I’m enjoying my travels now. I wouldn’t change the life I chose. That is what is important. Only you can decide what is right for you.
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Shanghai, China |
If you are thinking about how to get to where you want to go
and need some help I have 2 past blogs that might be of interest. The first is – Youth hostels, traveling on a
limited budget:
and the other one is Budgeting for Vacation:
http://havelistwilltravel.blogspot.com/2012/09/budgeting-for-vacation.htmlBut whatever you do, don't just dream, find a way to make your dreams come true.
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